Five Minute Friday: Rest

Two things popped into mind upon seeing this week’s subject matter.  Rest–as in the tranquility break that one takes to get away from something.  And rest–as in the leftovers of something. 

The first rest, the break, is quite common.  Yet, to rest is something that I find very challenging to do.  Sure, in my head I know I should get rest.  However, in reality, it’s next to impossible.  There’s no time for rest.  Sounds quite absurd really.  Without proper rest for your body, mind & spirit, you will find yourself on a quick downward spiral, physically.  Your life will be shortened without ample rest. 

The second rest, the leftover portion, it means something completely different than a break or pause.  When referring to the rest of something, it’s usually whatever wasn’t first used up or taken or grabbed.  Yet, it doesn’t only mean that what’s left back is bad or inferior.  Sometimes, there’s only limited room for something.  The rest has to go somewhere else.  Sometimes, there are limits as to what we can handle, what we can do.  The rest will have to be handled, cared for by someone else. 

Hmm, this is one reason as to why no man can be an island.  You need people.  We need each other.  We only have two arms–we can only carry a certain-sized load.  We have only two ears–we can only listen and hear so much.  The rest will have to be carried, heard by someone else…

I was aiming to be more spontaneous with my post today.  As in, not premeditating on the subject, coming up with all sorts of pleasant sounding ideas in my head.  Today, I just let go.

Your turn to join in.  You can link up too–it’s fun.  Just 5 minutes is all your need for the main part.

  • Stacy @ Heartprints of God

    “The rest will have to be carried, heard by someone else…”
    Oh, I agree with Eva…there is SO MUCH WISDOM in this.
    Blessings on your weekend-

  • brittany

    Love the different perspective you shared here!

  • Eva Trillian

    “The rest will have to be carried, heard by someone else…”
    Thank you for posting.

  • Anna @ path of treasure

    I also find it hard to take much needed rest, but you are right, it is essential! And for the second part, I like how your thoughts turn to people needing one another and community, to take care of “the rest”. :)