Five Minute Friday: Backwards

I saw this week’s topic and I immediately thought of Kris Kross.  Anyone else remember that rap group:  they wore their clothes backwards. 

I consider going backwards a talent.  Some people can’t even walk & chew gum at the same time–I’d love to see them attempt to walk backwards.  It’s also easy to pedal backwards, at least on a stationary bike.  I’ve seen people skate backwards.  Skillfully and quickly backing your car into a parking space–not that simple.

But there are times when going backwards isn’t so good.  Vomiting–so not fun!!  Having to retract something that’s been said–embarrassing!  Having to turn around and apologize for words that you can’t take back–both humiliating & humbling. 

Yet, thinking backwards in time (not backwards thinking) helps us to remember the good as well.  Go backwards in your mental timeline and think of the carefree childhood days.  I do hope you had some.  Think of the times when birthdays were happy and you got fun presents.  Think of elementary school, first kisses and the day you felt the most beautiful.  Makes us smile, right?

Go backwards on your mental blessing timeline and see the hand of God in your life.  See how He proved His power and love over and over and over again.  That’s a reminder that He’s still working in our lives today.

And there you have it.  Wanna play along??  I’m totally borrowing what Lisa-Jo says today:

1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word.  Just write and not worry if it’s just right or not.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Get a little crazy with encouragement for the five minuter who linked up before you.



    Oh my goodness!
    This was so soothing to read…I mean minus the vomitting, lol.
    Thanks for being a glass of water.

  • Beth

    Going backwards can be so joyous and rewarding.Thanks for encouraging me to look back at God’s many blessings. Have a wonderful day!

  • pinks

    I love your backwards examples! I definitely took a journey backwards through my memory in my own post… :)

    So glad to meet and read your blog for the first time.

    Have a blessed day!
