Five Minute Friday: Every Day

Every day that comes along is like a brand new start.  Tomorrow is not promised, so I really need to make the most of today.  Yet, though tomorrow isn’t promised, I still can’t live as though there is no tomorrow.  I still need to plan ahead and organize and not overcrowd “today”, in fear that I may not see a “tomorrow”.  The verse about God’s mercies being new every morning just came to mind.  He too, offers newness with each new day.

I’m trying to live more in the present with each day.  Trying to learn from the past, rather than dwell in it and move forward.  Being a wife & mom helps with that too, the moving ahead part.  The children certainly weren’t there for my past.  They don’t know my experiences, good or bad.  They haven’t met many of the same people I’ve met.  And the times certainly have changed drastically from when I was their age to now.  But I don’t have to hang onto anything and bring it into today.  Each day, I make a choice to start fresh; begin anew.  Every day is a choice to love more, laugh more, live better & play lots. 

I also like what Matthew 6:25-34 has to say, especially verse 34.  Look it up sometime.  Here it is from the Message Bible:

“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”

That’s so cool.  I appreciate this reminder to live outside of myself and to let God do what He does best:  be God.  He will take care of me.


Today’s topic was hard for me.  The words weren’t jumping at me, as they usually do for these five minute Friday posts.  Maybe part of my issue was the fact that what came to mind wasn’t as “light” as some of the other things I’ve posted in this blog.  That’s okay.  I need to get out the box more often anyways.  And if I ever hope to work my way up to a writer someday, I’ve got to be prepared to be honest, even if it’s a tad uncomfy.

Alrighty.  Guess what?  Yeppers–your turn.  Just try it for yourself, even if you don’t feel like posting.  The guidelines:
1–Just write for 5 minutes straight.  Once time’s up, you’re down.  No revisiting to edit.
2–Visit other blogs and encourage them.  Leave a comment, should you feel so moved.  I came from Lisa-Jo’s blog.  Click the button below to visit her site.

  • Amy

    I could completely relate with your post. Thanks for sharing. I love that verse in the Message Bible. It’s one of my favorites. You’ve given me some good food for thought. Glad I came by – Smiles –