It Just Slipped Out

Today’s my “official” due date, according to my doctor.  (I’ve always said the 20th, just because I prefer the even number.  No rhyme or reason behind it though.)

So, during my prayer time this morning, I finally had a thought as to this baby’s gender.


I was praying for my girls by name; Jamayia, Jhyelle and then “hidden girl’s name” just slipped right on out after I said her sisters’ names. Woah–I didn’t expect that.  Up until this point, I had no feeling either way, gender-wise. Everyone I know is assuming that it’s a boy.  They’re assuming that we want a boy.  (There have been a lot of assumptions from all sorts of people who aren’t involved in this pregnancy, but that’s another post.)  I’ve had people come and rub my tummy, talking to the boy they predict I’m having.  My sister-in-law even bought me a little onesie that says “handsome, just like daddy”.  She’s quite confident it’s a boy.

But suddenly, today, I feel it’s a girl.  The name just flowed out.  I didn’t even think about it.  Up until this point, when praying for my unborn by name, I’ve always called both girl’s & boy’s names.  Not today.  That’s changed.

I have an OB appointment tomorrow.  We’ll soon find out.