Reunited And It Feels So Good…

Happy Birthday, Dad! Happy Birthday, Uncle Vaudré! (they’re 2 yrs apart, but have the same birth date—cool!).

Uncle Vaudré also was discharged from the hospital—yay!

Basically chillaxed today. Spent the afternoon watching a lot of old tv classics (the Cosby Show, Good Times, Amen).

Lakers vs Celtics game tonite.

Went to Inland Empire mall. I just needed to get out the house.

Patrick arrived. He had a worse travel day than we did yesterday. Don’t rent a car from Rent 4 Less. LOL—yes, the name speaks volumes. Ever gotten a rental with different hubcaps?? That’s just one hint of his bad experience with them.

So good to all be together. We missed Danielle though!