
My co-worker is leaving. She’s going to work for the family business; something she’d always planned to do with her life. Congrats for you! With that being said, there are p-l-e-n-t-y of hours available for working at my place. Apply away.

I’ve been very impressed with myself the past few days. I’ve managed to organize myself in such a way that I’m leaving the house at my targeted times without being in a tizzy. Sometimes (and you reader moms know what I mean), you try your best, but it just doesn’t happen. Sure, with a little extra pedal power, you arrive at your destination on time, but your heart is racing and your blood pressure’s up from the hurry. No need to hurry so. The past few weeks, for my Thursday shifts, Jono would drive to work, then come home early, and I’d head out. The point being that Jamayia was then able to take her afternoon nap uninterrupted. But it’s such a hassle for him to do all that back and forth too. So today, we did things the old way. He bussed to work, and I left home to pick him up, cutting nap time short. I actually left early and therefore got to work early too. It was such a pleasant change.

Now if only I could leave work in such a non-hurriedly and unfrazzle manner, things would be a slice!