Day 27: When Topicless, Ask Someone For Ideas

You never know what they’ll come up with. Just chatting with a couple people this evening. I asked my sister for blog suggestions, because my brain is on “pause” at the moment. Her first idea made me laugh:

Pads vs. tampons. I know, you’re laughing too. I would, except that I haven’t enough knowledge on either side to give a fair commentary. I’ve never used tampons–the idea is kinda freaky to me. I am told, however, that they’re great. Some of my most trusted and valuable sources swear by them and highly recommend them. They claim you’ll never go back to pads. But, Sabrina, you say, you’ve given birth; why would tampons freak you out? Because delivering a baby was traumatic enough for my brain. I had to work through the fact that some doctor and a few nurses would have to look and place their hands where no one needs to go on my body. Pain speaks volumes, as well as the morphine & epidural. But since I really wanted that baby out, without being cut open, I let the medical people do what needed to be done. But to think that I’d wanna use a product that has to be inserted into my body other than by ingestion takes a whole lot of working too. Maybe I’ll be brave enough when I hit 50 yrs old…

Commitment. That was the other topic idea. More specifically, some thoughts on commitment based on the movie Something New. And again, I can’t offer too much knowledgeable input here either–I haven’t seen the movie. I do have my questions on commitment, though, that seem to always surface during the daily tv movie on the W Network. How is it that two uncommited people make the ultimate intimate commitment of consummating their relationship sexually, yet act awkward and straight up foolish (at times) afterwards?? I just want to understand. But you are watching a fictional movie, you argue. Yes, the movie and characters are fictional. However, those similar situations do occur in real life. Men and women meet up, start flirting, hem & haw over becoming a serious couple, yet engage in sexual activity, and then wonder why they never really connect on any other level that they should’ve tried connecting on first prior to the sex. My biggest thing is that in the movies, it never makes sense! The movie would be just as powerful and just as attractive if the characters would stop as a kiss or choose to preserve some level of purity and dignity.

3 days left of the daily blogging. It’s been a slice. Can I please win a prize?? LOL