Day 14: Ideal Finger Size?

Just squeezing in this post prior to midnite. Hubby was busy working, so the PC was tied up.

In other news, we get our phone hooked up tomorrow. Not thrilled about the 8 am-12 noon window that the cable company gave us. But Baby sees her Dr tomorrow afternoon, so we had to take that one. Hopefully they’ll come around 10ish or later. It’ll be nice to have a land line again. Although using the celly wasn’t all that bad. It’s not like I get a lot of phone calls.

Oh, I forgot one great daydream for my perfect world post yesterday. In a perfect world, I’d have the body that would look fabulous in nearly any style of clothing. The clothes would just fit every curve correctly and hang beautifully on my frame. I’d be such a hit, that retailers would be begging for me to be a live model in their store fronts. I must say that I had an experience similar to this when we were engagement ring hunting. My finger was the perfect size for all the trial rings. LOL. And many of them looked absolutely hot! on my hand. I had a few jewellers actually tell me that I had a great ring tryout finger. And yes, we often went in the evening, after work, so my hands would’ve been their full size by then…LOL.

Tomorrow is also W-day (weigh day). I’ll be keeping you posted for sure. The trick is to gain weight at a rate that is within the charts, according to the Dr. Personally, I say she’s doing alright. She’s not any less playful or developmentally slower because her weight is lower than suggested. She was also just slightly under the curves on the chart, so nothing drastic. Her interest in food is slowly picking up and we’re trying hard core to encourage her to eat. Just as long as she doesn’t need anymore bloodwork tomorrow, I’ll be good.