Day 5: The Water Cooler Is NOT A Sink

Jamayia has this fascination for the water cooler in the kitchen. She loves water. Most importantly, she loves cascading water. Showers & bath times rock for this kid. Hand washing is pretty neat too. But in all those cases, she can never reach the faucets herself.

Enter the water cooler. Wouldn’t you know that the little tabs are right within arm’s reach. Of course we tried to block off the offending thing. There are 2 huge, and full, jugs of water in front of the cooler. But of course she can easily stretch and reach out and still get the tabs.

Today’s latest and greatest trick, realizing that by pulling up on the little tab, water comes out. (Just this morning she was trying hard to stick her finger in the little spout, but it always came out dry). As determined as she is, she finally figured it out all on her own. Water comes out when you pull on the tab-thingees. And, she can enjoy the water when she pulls with one hand, and puts her other hand under the streaming water. C’est excitant, n’est-ce pas?

Sure, now she’s got the rest of us mad busy trying to figure out how to block off the water cooler. Wish us luck please….