Day 3: Cock-a-doodle-doooo

Who paid this child to wake up so sillilly (yes, I like to invent new words sometimes) early today?? She awoke at about 6:15 am…and proceeded to stay awake. Usually when she wakes up during the middle of the night, I feed her, then her Daddy takes her and settles her back down into her crib. But this morning, because technically that hour is morning and no longer night, she was just clinging to me beyond belief. But I wasn’t quite done sleeping yet. Furthermore, since we are bunking with people, we wanted to make sure that we kept her noise to a minimum. As tempting as it was to wake up the Aunties at that unlawful hour, it was completely unnecessary. I’ll save my early wake ups for something that’s actually vital, thank you.

The only thing that kept me going was the fact that early wake up meant guaranteed catnap during church and a regular nap at Grandma’s house later. Sure enough, that’s exactly how it played out. She just conked out on my chest during the worship service, without any effort on my part. And stayed asleep for a good 30-45 minutes. Yippee!

We went to my parents’ house for lunch, as we usually do after church. This time the Aunties came along too. And, as usual, we had great, gut-busting after dinner convos. My, how the West Indian upbringing can be quite amusing at times. One conclusion we came to was that despite the discrepancies that sometimes occur in our families, they happen even worse in other cultures.

Clocks go back tonight. I generally don’t care for this day, when we “fall back”. It just makes the Sunday drag out for me. This year, though, I actually have things to do. So maybe it won’t feel as bad.

However, it does guarantee that Jamayia will be arising early yet again, according to the clock…