Day 2: 1 = 1000, or Does It??

I’m slightly annoyed that this site is down. How am I supposed to properly search for a new home when a good site isn’t functioning correctly? Ah well, perhaps today isn’t the day to search?

In good news, the federal government is trying to improve the tax situation for its citizens. So, short story–our refunds next April should look fatter. Yippee! And the GST rate is dropping another percentage point. At least they kept their promise to lower it 2 points. It’s so easy to harp on gov’t (no pun intended) when things aren’t ideal. But how often are we just as quick to thank them for the things that are good? So, thank you, Mr. Harper.

The thing about blogging midday is that there’s a risk of not too much excitement occuring just yet to blog about. Tomorrow, though, my post will come later in the day. I’m just trying to make sure that I’m posting daily, as per NaBloPoMo. So, when there’s nothing left to say, why not post a pic, right? Is a picture truly worth a thousand words–you decide.

And yes, I’m still waiting for feedback on a new moniker for the blog…
  • Anonymous

    My niece is the cutest EVER!! hey who bought you that shirt??