So yesterday morning, I got called for a showing request for our home, in the late afternoon. Cools. I figured I’d vaccuum, put baby down for a nap (usually about 2 hrs), and finish cleaning up and getting dressed. I wouldn’t have time to eat & clean up, so we’ll skip that. I figured we’d be out of the house by about 3 pm–wayyyy before the showing at 4:30 pm. But the sooner I leave home, the less likely the Dear Girl is to mess it up again.
I was done in ample time, and starting MSNing it with my bro. And the time is slowly ticking away. Long enough that I could have actually created something gourmet and eaten it too! It got to the point that I had to go and wake her up! That was more of a four–yes 4– hour nap!
Had I known this ahead of time, I would’ve scheduled things differently. And of course, silly me went to visit my bro who did NOT feed me. We’ll have to work on that, because most times, he’s a good host…
Bonus side of the 4 hr nap–a very happy and good natured kid all afternoon!