I Bet You Didn’t Know How Well I Can Multitask??

Today, there were some repair guys working on the water pipes in our building. We were notified that the water would be off between 10 am and 3:30 pm. Hello, I have a baby. These kinds of water shut off ain’t cool!! But, I filled up and had enough water for what I’d need during that time frame. They usually don’t shut it off for the entire period that they claim to need anyways.

So, it’s about 2 pm. I’m sitting at the computer, eating lunch. Jamayia was napping away. Thankfully, she went down at around 12 pm. I’m wearing a white, shapeless and oversized t-shirt, black yoga-type pants which are also oversized, and no bra. (I’m in the house–why wear a bra. Makes it easier access for the nursing baby.)


Uh oh–that’s the fire alarm going off. Calmly, Sabrina-style, I was so not amused, because I’m 99.999% sure that it’s the repair guys at fault here. Nevertheless, one must take ringing fire bells seriously. I really did consider changing my pants, at least to something that would stay up on their own… But, nope. I’m the Mommy–I’ve got to set the right example for the Baby. When alarm sounds, you exit building.

Instead, I grabbed baby, car keys, celly & baby bag (which were all together) and exited the place. On the way out, I met a neighbour who was looking to see if people were actually evacuating, to know if she should actually bother. Can’t we just play along sometimes?!?! I walked down the seven, yes 7, flights of stairs while holding Jamayia in one hand, the baby bag on the other shoulder and holding up my pants. My only amusement at this point was my Girl who found the whole senario hilarious and was laughing at the guy behind me. LOL.

I step outside to find another clueless neighbour asking if she can’t get in the door I just came from. Ummm…HELLO, fire alarm is going off. It means exit, not enter, a building!! So, we stood outside for less than five minutes. It was so serious that the fire department didn’t even respond to this call! And we were allowed back in.

The only problem–the elevators weren’t functioning yet. They shut down when the fire alarm goes off. So, since white tee me didn’t want to sit and wait in the lobby, I had to what–that’s right–climb all those stairs back up. Go Sabrina! Another 7 flights, this time uphill, holding a baby, a baby bag & my pants up.

The moral of this story? There are a few. Quit going braless while wearing white tees while in the privacy of your home. You never know when the fire alarm may go off. Always wear proper fitting pants. It’s just easier to function. Make sure you hire repair people who know how to work without tripping fire alarms.

The next joke–the alarm went off again about 90 mins later–and no one left the building!

  • Anonymous

    Braless really is the way to go (in your home only people!). If anyone dare look Joooooono will take care of them….no worries LOL