Five Minute Friday: When


He was supposed to be a free man. Instead, he was trapped in a dark prison, with no chance of parole. Things had been grim for some time. All because of a lie against him.

Then a couple of his fellow cell mates had dreams. Within three days, things were about to change drastically for them all. His sole request was that a good recommendation be given to Pharaoh.

I imagine Joseph watched the chief cup-bearer and the chief baker with great anticipation as they left the dungeon. It meant that in a few moments, he would also be leaving, exchanging captivity for liberty. Every approaching footstep might have sent his pulse racing. He probably kept his eye on the door all day, wondering when his turn would come.

It never came when he expected it.

In fact, it was a full two years before the chief cup-bearer had remembered his promise to Joseph and delivered the promised word to Pharoah.

What should have taken only a minutes, maybe hours at most, took years.

And then Joseph’s life changed.

Our lives have many of these similar moments. Various circumstances may land us in unexpected places, for a length of time. Just when we think things will change, they may not. And then we’re stuck. Still.

How do we handle the in-between?

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I’m linking up with Kate & the five-minute Friday community. Simply use the prompt and write freely for the next five (or so) minutes. You can learn more here.


  • Inspired Life

    So happy to have stopped over from FMF. Thank you for leaving the thought provoking open ended question. It leave so much mental white space to THINK. Peace and blessings multiplied to you as you move through the various ‘in-between’ times in your life.

  • Michelle Waychoff

    Oh goodness…. speaking to my heart in this one… I’m in the in-between right now. I heard a mom talk the other day about the in-between. Her revelation came when she was cooking eggs for her toddler. Her toddler was behind a baby gate, whining and crying for the eggs. In that moment she heard herself say “why can’t she understand I’m cooking up something good for her, and that it takes time to do that. She needs to understand that these things don’t happen quickly, they take time”. It was in that moment that the mama thought of all the times she’s been frustrated with God for taking so long to answer her prayers. We have to remember that great things take time… God’s master plan for us takes time. All things in his timing… that’s what I keep reminding myself, sometimes multiple times a day. Thanks for this great reminder from the bible that we need to be patient and that if God’s plan takes a little longer then we would like, there’s a good reason for it. Thank you, again, for your words. I notice my response is a lot longer then my FMF post… you brought the words out of me. :-)

  • donna

    Great post! Something to remember when we are questioning the plan and the waiting.

    visiting from FMF

  • Joan Taylor

    Absolutely love this. Joseph’s story is replete with encouragement and hope to persevere towards the dreams God has etched in our hearts.

  • Gabriele

    I so appreciated the recounting of Joseph’s story. He is a favorite of mine. I add a yes to your words.

  • Measi

    Beautiful post – and yes, sometimes those moments we don’t realize at the time truly are the catalysts for great things years in the future. Even when the situation is difficult, we must make the best of it and strive to move forward – because that effort may reward us in the long run.

    Blessings to you!

  • Mary Hill

    I love this. God has His perfect timing. He uses the In-Betweens and our whens to refine us and prepare us for His will and actions in our lives. Thanks for sharing.

  • Martha Brady

    great post sabrina:) great perspective from god’s word.