Five Minute Friday: Still

One definition of “still” is:  free from turbulence or commotion.

The first example of stillness that came to mind was when Jesus calmed the storm (Mark 4:35-41).  A terrible storm came out of nowhere and fast.  The disciples, experienced storm goers panicked while Jesus, a storm rookie, I’m thinking, was peacefully asleep.  After awaking, He stood up and told the storm “Peace, be still”.   And then He asked the disciples if they still had no faith in Him.

The commotion stopped instantly. 

This is what Jesus is doing in my life everyday.  I need to be still in order for Him to work.  The negative attitudes and voices need to stop.  The noise of unnecessary media needs to quiet down.  The ever-growing “to-do” list needs to just pause, as I set down my virtual pen.  The rising blood pressure as stress starts is a-boiling needs to simmer back down.  I need could reduce the times I tell my kids to be quiet in the house.  (Still gotta be quiet in many public places though–ha ha!).

I need to be still and acknowledge my role as a created being and not the Creator.  I cannot control everything and everyone around me.  I cannot control all of the circumstances that occur in my life.  There is a great deal that I can control, or have a massive effect on, and I strive to do better.

At the same time, Christ wants me to just trust Him completely, without abandon.  He doesn’t wish for me to panic and flail around hopelessly.  It’s not about the amount of faith.  There is no measuring stick.  It’s about having it.  Either you do or you don’t trust.  If you don’t trust, there’s not much that can help you.  But if you do trust, even in the smallest amount, He can take that and do wonders.

When you trust, you can see the value of being still.

This post was somewhat scattered for me this week.  I’m so glad that the “rules” include no worrying about editing. 

Your turn. 

(Five Minute Friday is linked up here, at (In)Courage today.)

Five Minute Friday: Full

Full, in today’s world, is a complex concept.  The price of gas makes it very hard to full up your car’s tank.  Eating until you’re full is only a thin line away from being stuffed.  When you’re stuffed, you’re uncomfortable and unable to move.  Some people are full of love.  Others are full of hot air.  Or even worse–nothing at all.  There are people who are full of themselves only, while other people fill their lives with loving services towards humanity.

The key is finding a healthy balance.  I think that our best clue for a full life comes from the Word.

Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.  Philippians 4:11-13 (Message)

Until we empty our hearts of ourselves, we can never be full.  You’ve got to make room for God to live and reign in your life.  And the neat thing about God–He can work with tiny spaces.  Give Him a bit and a willing heart–you’ll be amazed and astonished at the transformation. 

He will push out the ugly, the pain, the selfishness and fill you with beauty and healing and selflessness. 

Once you’re full though, there’s a small catch–you’ve got to share it with someone else, one person at a time.  And don’t worry; you can never deplete your resource.  He will always refill, free of charge! 

This is the best concept of fulfillment that I can think of.  It’s the only feeling of fullness that I want.  In fact, God is so filling that it’s often times overwhelming.  You can get stuffed on His love.
Alrighty–your turn.  You’ve got 5 minutes to just write, and not worry about whether or not it’s right.  (Yes, pun fully intended.)  Click on the button below if you’d like to join in. 

Five Minute Friday: Loss

It’s amazing the things we lose sometimes versus the things we actually keep or save.

We lose our tempers.  Sometimes I lose mine a little too easily–and, in my mind, (I need to stress that!) I can go off on a rant & rave with someone.  Thankfully, I’m getting better at keeping my cool.

We lose tears.  Over heartbreak.  Over happy moments.  Over the sweet innocence of babes.  Over romantic gestures.  Over poignant movie/tv scenes.  (Anyone else remember when Dr. Greg Pratt knew he was dying and was tearfully saying his final goodbyes on “ER”???)

We lose time.  If I had to suddenly give God an account for every minute of my days, uh oh.  Yet, I know better but don’t always do the better that I know I ought to do.  I think I have time, yet I know full well that time isn’t guaranteed.

We lose things.  Ever go to return an item, and the receipt is gone?  Ever drop a contact lens while you’re trying to put them in?  Ever misplace your keys, just as you’re rushing out the door, a few minutes behind schedule, of course?  Ever lost everything–whether stolen, or a disaster of some sort?  Feels horrible.

We controllably lose ourselves.  We’ll get lost in the scrumptious depths of that giant slice of chocolate cake.  We’ll get lost in the soreness and achy feeling that accompany a good workout, and pause.  We’ll get lost in the pages of a fantastic book, immersing ourselves into the story.  We’ll get lost in good feelings, allowing us to enjoy a moment every now and then.

We should, though, really try to lose ourselves uncontrollably.  As in give ourselves completely to God.  He’s the one with the plan to keep us for eternity.  He’s the one who knows what’s best and actually wants to do and give us the best.  He’s the only one who can forgive us and erase the ugliness.  God takes away the shame, the guilt and feeling of being hopelessly lost. 

The good thing about me being uncontrollably lost in God is that He then controls my life.  I give in so that He can do.  The more I think about it, it’s not a loss.  It’s a save.

Loss = no hope, no life
Save = hope, life, heaven = salvation

So, Lisa-Jo is on vacation still and allowed herself more than 5 minutes.  I graciously took the same liberty and ran with it.  This is a challenging topic, but a great Friday to start your five minute friday routine.  You can take a few extra minutes.  Try it out :)

Five Minute Friday: Grateful

Being grateful take work.  Lots of effort and elbow grease kind of work.  Sometimes, you feel like just rolling up your sleeves, tying up your hair, and taking a deep breath.  Then maybe, you’d be psyched up enough to just jump right in. 

Gratitude is difficult at times.  When the bad things happen–and usually that’s like everyday, you’d rather mope and vent.  You find some company to add to your misery.  Only when you find someone else who’s had it even worse than you (yes, it does happen–I’m only one of six billion plus people on this earth) then we start to pull back a bit.

But good things happen when you make the choice to be grateful.  Your mind set changes.  Your heart starts to heal up.  Your emotions change and you become less tense toward God and more at ease with your life.  Grateful doesn’t just happen–it’s something that we have to opt to do.  You weren’t born grateful–you had to learn it.  Being grateful means looking outside of yourself.  Thinking outside of the box, if you will.

Then I was reminded of 1 Thessalonians 5:18, from The Message Bible:

“thank God no matter what happens.  This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.”

It doesn’t say to thank God for what happens.  Instead, we’re to look for ways to thank God despite the turmoil in our lives.  Actually, looking for gratfeul things helps us to defeat the negative.  Plus, like the verse says, Jesus wants us to live gratefully, if we belong to Him, that is. 

Since God only wants the absolute very best for me, then maybe I should try harder to follow this suggest-ment of being grateful, no matter what happens.

Your turn.  Click on the button below if you want to link up too.  Just 5 minutes is what you need, no editing required. 

Five Minute Friday: Welcome

Welcome is pretty much defined as a kind greeting to one whose arrival gives pleasure (according to  So basically, you’re greeted kindly because someone is excited that you’ve arrived.  Their happy that you’re here; that you’ve entered a room, their home, their heart.  It’s not a passing wave, but an actual effort of greeting is made and purposely done with kindness because your arrival is a pleasant thing for them.

There’s some serious impact to this welcoming business.  Right now, I’m striving to treat everyone kindly.  Maybe one day, sooner rather than later I hope, I’d actually find pleasure at nearly everyone’s arrival in my life.  How much different my day would go if I would warmly greet everyone who came across my path, friend or stranger.  How much of an impact would that make on their day?

Next, I need to check myself.  Does my arrival pleasant to others?  Do they shun me or welcome me when I enter a room?  Do they simply glance at me in their doorway and never give me a second thought?  Do they wish that I disappear as quickly as I arrived, never to darken their doorsteps again?  I hope and pray that I will be welcomed anywhere I go.  It doesn’t mean that I’m looking to settle into everyone’s lives.  Nor am I expecting to be granted free access anytime I choose.  What I certainly don’t want is for people to cringe when they see me coming…


The cool thing about these five minute posts is that I never know where I’m going to end up.  I barely even know where I’m starting oftentimes.  It is neat to see the end result though, and it feels like such a liberating accomplishment.  Your turn to give it a try.  The “rules” (it’s all honour system here anyways) are very simple:

1)  Write for 5 minutes straight, throwing all editing to the wind.
2)  Link up by clicking the button below.
3)  Read a few posts of someone who linked up before you.  Try to leave a comment, if you’d like.

Five Minute Friday: Wonder

I’m trying not to get bogged down the by limits of wonder.  Let me explain what I mean.  I often wonder things, but never really act on them or take it a step further. 

I wonder how this lady at church would look with a beauty makeover…but I’ve never approached her with hair & clothing suggestions.

I wonder how so and so is doing…and only recently have I started emailing/contacting them.  (I’m not a phone fan; I prefer emails.)

I wonder how it would be to have a flat stomach…but I’m not ready to totally abandon the very restricted & limited sweet tooth.

Do you see what I mean?  I tend to wonder a lot, about the more distant things in life, but never act on them.  I’m working hard at reshaping my thinking.  I had a birthday this week (yay!) and made some resolutions for myself.  One is to do.  Just do & do better, whatever it is I’m doing.  So rather than just wonder all the time, it’s time to take things up a notch and actually act on the wonders, whenever applicable.

Seeing this week’s topic of “wonder” immediately had Psalm 139:14 pop into my head.  The NLT version says this: 

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvelous–how well I know it.

Complex, alone, can sound difficult and uninviting.  But add the word ‘wonderfully’ in front and the context changes into something intriguing and worth looking at.  In fact, add ‘wonderfully’ to nearly any word and it’s a whole new ballgame…
Time up!  It’s your turn now.  Give it a shot, whether in your private journal, a blank document screen on your computer or on your own blog.  All you need is five minutes. 


Five Minute Friday: Home

Ahhh, home.  It’s found where the heart is.  The problem sometimes though, is that we’re afraid to let our hearts rest in one spot.  We’re scared of pain, of feeling hurt & crushed by someone or something, so we pick up our carefully packaged, bubble-wrapped hearts and head off in search of the next safe abode.  Sometimes, I think like is like one big, long caravan-type journey.  You pitch a temporary shelter in a safe-ish spot for a bit.  And when you’re ready, or the resources are all depleted, you pack up and move on.

But isn’t it nice to just settle in for a while?  To have a place, at least one place, that you know you can always come to and relax.  Shed the masks, shed the fears, shed the worries, hey, even shed a few tears and just be.  Be yourself.  Be with your own thoughts, dreams, hopes.  Be with God.  Pray.

I want my home to be a place where all are welcome.  (I’m working on the part where an invitation actually goes out to “all”).  I want my kids to feel absolutely comfy and want to invite their friends over.  I want their friends to feel safe here.  I want my kids to feel love in all corners of this home.  I want my family & loved ones to feel hugged when they walk through my door, as though they never want to leave.

Most of all, I want people to have experienced God in my home.  Not the in-your-face type of “are you saved?!” fanatical bus stop-type approach.  Rather, the kind that’s subtle and heart-warming.  An experience where you’d see that having God in your life, your home is a good thing.  Something worth trying for yourself.
Wanna try it?  I know you do.  Grab a journal & pen.  Go to create a new post.  Whatever you’re most comfortable with, and write.  For five minutes straight.  Kiss editing goodbye for the next five minutes.

If you’re feeling brave enough to share, link up at the button below.  Or leave a comment here too.  Let me say this–this five minute Friday business is quite addictive.


Five Minute Friday: Backwards

I saw this week’s topic and I immediately thought of Kris Kross.  Anyone else remember that rap group:  they wore their clothes backwards. 

I consider going backwards a talent.  Some people can’t even walk & chew gum at the same time–I’d love to see them attempt to walk backwards.  It’s also easy to pedal backwards, at least on a stationary bike.  I’ve seen people skate backwards.  Skillfully and quickly backing your car into a parking space–not that simple.

But there are times when going backwards isn’t so good.  Vomiting–so not fun!!  Having to retract something that’s been said–embarrassing!  Having to turn around and apologize for words that you can’t take back–both humiliating & humbling. 

Yet, thinking backwards in time (not backwards thinking) helps us to remember the good as well.  Go backwards in your mental timeline and think of the carefree childhood days.  I do hope you had some.  Think of the times when birthdays were happy and you got fun presents.  Think of elementary school, first kisses and the day you felt the most beautiful.  Makes us smile, right?

Go backwards on your mental blessing timeline and see the hand of God in your life.  See how He proved His power and love over and over and over again.  That’s a reminder that He’s still working in our lives today.

And there you have it.  Wanna play along??  I’m totally borrowing what Lisa-Jo says today:

1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word.  Just write and not worry if it’s just right or not.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Get a little crazy with encouragement for the five minuter who linked up before you.


Five Minute Friday: Every Day

Every day that comes along is like a brand new start.  Tomorrow is not promised, so I really need to make the most of today.  Yet, though tomorrow isn’t promised, I still can’t live as though there is no tomorrow.  I still need to plan ahead and organize and not overcrowd “today”, in fear that I may not see a “tomorrow”.  The verse about God’s mercies being new every morning just came to mind.  He too, offers newness with each new day.

I’m trying to live more in the present with each day.  Trying to learn from the past, rather than dwell in it and move forward.  Being a wife & mom helps with that too, the moving ahead part.  The children certainly weren’t there for my past.  They don’t know my experiences, good or bad.  They haven’t met many of the same people I’ve met.  And the times certainly have changed drastically from when I was their age to now.  But I don’t have to hang onto anything and bring it into today.  Each day, I make a choice to start fresh; begin anew.  Every day is a choice to love more, laugh more, live better & play lots. 

I also like what Matthew 6:25-34 has to say, especially verse 34.  Look it up sometime.  Here it is from the Message Bible:

“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”

That’s so cool.  I appreciate this reminder to live outside of myself and to let God do what He does best:  be God.  He will take care of me.


Today’s topic was hard for me.  The words weren’t jumping at me, as they usually do for these five minute Friday posts.  Maybe part of my issue was the fact that what came to mind wasn’t as “light” as some of the other things I’ve posted in this blog.  That’s okay.  I need to get out the box more often anyways.  And if I ever hope to work my way up to a writer someday, I’ve got to be prepared to be honest, even if it’s a tad uncomfy.

Alrighty.  Guess what?  Yeppers–your turn.  Just try it for yourself, even if you don’t feel like posting.  The guidelines:
1–Just write for 5 minutes straight.  Once time’s up, you’re down.  No revisiting to edit.
2–Visit other blogs and encourage them.  Leave a comment, should you feel so moved.  I came from Lisa-Jo’s blog.  Click the button below to visit her site.

Five Minute Friday: On Forgetting

Funny how we forget the simple things, but remember some of the more complex.  We easily forget some of the happiest, most carefree memories, but remember the cruelest and most painful.

We forget to pay bills (on time or even at all).  We forget names, places, objects.  We forget grace and God’s promises.  We forget about answers to prayer.  We forget how it feels to ride a bike–2 wheeler, and how it feels to hold and cuddle a newborn, before any screaming starts.

When I saw this prompt, I was immediately reminded that God forgets too.  When we confess our sins to Him, He’s quick to forgive and just a quick to forget.  It’s gone.  So why do I bother remembering?  If there’s something to learn from God, something that though it defines human logic and explanation, it’s this aspect of His forgetfulness.  I wish I could be so forgiving and so forgetful with those around me, especially my loved ones. 

Most times, I’m quick to forgive.  That’s easy to say.  But then I still remember.  It sometimes still pops into the back of your mind, in that niggling area where annoying thoughts play hide & seek. 

I’ll think I’ll try forgetting today.  Forget the bad stuff and remember the good.  What’s done is done and can’t be changed anyways.  Might was well focus on taking time to create new memories today and onwards.  New things to remember and smile about.

I’m done.  Your turn to write.  The “rules” are simple.  Okay, they’re not hardcore rules; the honour system applies here. 
1–Just write for five minutes straight. 
2–Throw out the editing mindset.  That’s right–have a verbal spit up, without stopping to neatly dab at your mouth.
3–Go visit someone else’s blog (or leave a comment here if you’d like) and encourage them.

I was inspired by Lisa-Jo.  She’s got a cool blog–check it out sometime.