Five Minute Friday: Visit


I sat there, confused. They were claiming that it was ‘visitors day’. I was indeed a visitor in their midst, but I certainly didn’t feel like it was my day.

Who visits a church, as a visitor, on visitors day, and doesn’t get greeted?


I wasn’t looking for any *stand-up-so-everyone-can-see-you’re-a-guest* awkwardness.

No. I would have been fine with a hello from those with whom I shared a pew. Just one.

This made me wonder about myself.

It’s easy to make elaborate plans. To go all out in advertising and talking about an event. I can make a big production into inviting people over. I can plan, tidy up and prepare a tasty menu. But once they’re in my doors, this is where reality hits.

How do I treat my guests?

If I’m going to invite you over, I would love for you to have a positive experience in my home. I don’t want my guests be praying that time would speed along so that the visit can end. I want people to feel relaxed and comfortable when they visit.

The biggest thing is mindset. I’ve changed my thinking when it comes to visitors.

When people come to visit, they’re coming to see me (or my husband or my children). They’re not inspecting for level of immaculate cleanliness nor tasting my food to critique for ratings.

Most of all, I pray that people experience God while on my property. Just because my gatherings are not Bible studies or prayer meetings doesn’t mean that the effect of God in my home will be any less. I don’t know everyone’s heart. But I hope that in visiting my home, all guests will leave feeling loved.


I’m linking up with Kate and the five-minute Friday community today. I’m inviting you to join in the fun. You can visit her site here.

Five Minute Friday: Notice


They noticed their sleeping passenger. Exhausted from ministry, Jesus was getting some much needed rest. On any regular jaunt, this would be fine. This night was far from normal.

Sailing across the lake, the disciples were hit by a fierce storm. Far from shore and blinded by darkness and murky waves, they fought hard to stay afloat. They had no intentions of dying that night. This trip wasn’t even their idea—they were following Jesus’ suggestion of where to go next. Frantic, adrenaline surged as they worked to keep water out of the boat. They were doubtful of the outcome. Perhaps it was in a flash of lightening that they noticed and remembered that Jesus was also on the boat.

They shook Him awake with their shouting. ‘Don’t you care?!?!’

They failed to notice Jesus’ peace.

Presuming their impending demise, they demanded to know if Jesus was at all concerned as they drowned. They didn’t ask Him to help bail out water or even to pray. These same men were first hand witnesses to miracles, yet they didn’t ask Him to stop the storm.

Meeting their immediate need, Jesus commanded the storm to cease. Then, He dealt with His disciples.

Jesus had peace because He was secure in His heavenly Father. He had a habit of awaking early each day to spend quality time in prayer. Because of this deep-rooted connection, built up during the quiet times, Jesus was prepared to meet storms when they arose.

Lord, help me to notice You at all times so that I am aware of Your presence when I need You most.


Oh! There were so many places that this prompt was taking me. I had a tough time choosing only one for today’s post. I’m linking up with Kate and the Five-Minute Friday community today. You’re invited to join us too. The guidelines are simple: write freely for five minutes. (Some days, you need more minutes because the message needs to get out, and that’s okay too)

Five Minute Friday: Still

Five Minute Friday- (4)

Changes were anticipated, but not at this level. The company had been sold and there was overlap. At first, duplicate positions were eliminated; a sensible and expected move. But that turned out to be the calm before the storm.

One Wednesday morning, months after the first job cuts, my Husband called home with one request: pray! They were making more cuts.

By the end of the day, we found out it was more than cuts: the staff roster had been slashed.

That evening was my night to lead out in our church’s weekly prayer meeting. What would I talk about? How could I lead this group in prayer when I needed a leader in that very moment?

But God! He led me to Exodus and showed me this specific passage:

But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” ~Exodus 14:13,14 (NLT)

Like the Israelites, I had started to let panic and fear take over. Worst-case scenarios started to consume my thoughts. Then I read the verses and took a step back to breathe.

The Israelites almost missed the enormous miracle that was before them because their attention was not on God. Standing still meant trusting God to work. They stopped trying to implement their own ideas in their own strength. His ways always supersede ours. In the stillness, they were of a better mindset to see and hear God.

In the stillness, God reminded me that these work changes were not personal. It was not something that my Husband caused. This was bigger than him. God had led Him to this job at the right time. If it was his time to go, then God would lead him to the next place too. He is always one step ahead of us.

I don’t want to miss God’s miracles.


Joining with Kate tonight and the five-minute Friday community.


Five Minute Friday: Turn


One glaringly obvious hint that a driver is not from the neighbourhood is when they’re indicating to turn on a one-way street…in the wrong direction Nevermind the arrows (plural) that aim to guide them in the right way. The honking horns go unheard. The flow of traffic heading north while you’re aiming to turn south seems invisble.

Too often, the mistake is only realized once the driver has completed the turn.

Mrs. Lot came to mind tonight. Heading down a deserted, one-way path, she was reluctant to go. She’d never asked to leave the comforts of home and the familiar life that she’d grown accustomed to. And the nerve of these ‘visitors’. They just grabbed her arm, and yanked her out of there. She was not prepared for a vacation of any kind. Perhaps she felt a bit of comfort with her husband and two daughters by her side.

The directions were clear. They were to keep running forward, no question asked. Do not look back!

Why ever not? She wondered. That was home. What was happening there that she couldn’t watch? I hope she had one of those inner arguments with herself. Those self-debates where you weigh the pros and cons of making a decision, hoping to choose wisely even when it doesn’t make sense.

Well, we know her choice. Ignoring all warnings, Mrs. Lot turned. It was too late for her.

There are times when God permits u-turns. His Word is a guide on how to live and why we should trust Him. Yet, too often, we find ourselves caught up in self-debates, battling between right and wrong, particularly when we’re on a one-way path. There are times that we do make the mistake and turn where it’s not accessible. However, God in His loving kindness, protects us and is willing to redirect our steps.


Linking up with Kate and the Five-Minute Friday community tonight.

Tuesday At Ten {Seek}

I’m linking up with Karen for the first time, as she hosts a Tuesday at Ten linkup.
Also linking up with Lisha and the #GiveMeGrace community.

Tuesday At Ten

‘Ready or not, here I come!’ is usually said during the game hide-and-seek. My children enjoy playing this game as they’re convinced that I will never find them. They enjoy seeking out little spots hoping to be inconspicuous. They don’t realize that their giddy snickers usually give them away long before I’m anywhere nearby. It’s fun for them.

The game ‘hide & seek’ could have originated in the Garden of Eden.

God created a flawless world with breathtaking scenery and majestic creatures of all shapes and sizes. He also handcrafted humans. Adam and Eve.

With loving generosity, our Creator gifted us with free will. We decide which choices to make based on the information set before us. Except for one tree and solid warnings, He held nothing back.

Because the world was perfect, God hung out regularly with Adam and Eve. No hiding in cliffs or seeing only His back. Time with God meant a whole other thing than we know it today.

Then sin marred the picture. The moment that Adam and Eve sinned, they experienced a change that made them uneasy. They donned garments in attempts to cover up their shame. I’d imagine that their bright, clear eyes now shone with worry and glistened with the threat of tears. Things were no longer right.

Ready or not, here came God. This time, when God came calling, they hid.

Unwilling to miss their time together, He went seeking.

And found them.

We cannot hide from God, no matter how hard we try. He is always seeking for us, His children.

Willing and ready to shower us with His grace.

Five Minute Friday: Leave


‘We’re terminating your position effective…’ I half tuned out.

Laid off!

I was being asked to leave my job because in efforts to cut costs (aka salaries) they were eliminating positions across the country. I was presented with two options:

  • Leave that day, with a severance package.
  • Work for another number of weeks equivalent to the amount of my severance package. I was promised time off for job interviews outside the company.

It’s nothing personal, my director offered in cheap reassurance. They just saw a list of names and picked yours.

Inwardly, I rolled my eyes. It’s one thing to feel like an unknown employee. To hear it verbalized by management made it worse.

This reminds me of another who was asked to leave under a better set of circumstances.

God told Abram “Leave.” Leave the coziness of home and go to foreign territory. At this point, he wasn’t even given the name of his new town—he would be shown where to go. God didn’t leave him hopeless, feeling unwanted or unappreciated. There were great blessings ahead of Abram, which were described for him so that he knew the conditions of his leaving.

I made the decision to stay and work through my severance. Partway through, the company retracted the termination notice and decided to keep me my position. There was no apology or retribution for what had happened. It didn’t make me feel any more welcome or valued there. It was simply more convenient for my position to remain at our local office, rather than the head office, which was in another province.

Abram chose to take God at His word and follow blindly. He packed up his family and his possessions and left. There were struggles along the way—Abram’s life wasn’t lived perfectly. His gracious God blessed him regardless, because He had promised so from the very beginning.

“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.” –Deut 31:6 (the Message)

God never leaves us! People may leave us or ask us to leave them. Emotions will be mixed with confusion and uncertainty as we pack up our things. But we must remember that God is right beside us through the entire process.


I’m linking up with Kate today in the Five-Minute Friday community.

Give Me Grace: Hope

The guest speaker this weekend encouraged us to use the one tool that we all have available to us: our story.

Give Me Grace-

He shared how hearing another pastor’s life story at a tumultuous time of his life gave him the much needed gift of hope that he was so desperate for. One person took the time to sit with him, listen without judgment and share his own personal story too. Not to ‘one up’ the young man, nor to belittle his story. But to encourage him by testifying of how God is moving in his life. That moment made the world of different for this young man and altered the course of his life in a positive way.

He encouraged those of us in the congregation to share our stories. To tell others about what God has done in our lives and pass on the gift of hope. Everyone has a story that will change a person’s heart.

As I listened, I began asking God to show me how to use my story. I tend to think that there isn’t much, but that’s not true. In fact, while driving home the other day, God brought something to mind that I know I need to share with someone. And this was before I heard the sermon this weekend. This blog is my platform to tell about God and His amazing love for me. And His amazing love for you.

Lord, guide my words and my heart as I tell my story. It’s not for fame or glitz. You have given me experiences specific to me, to mold me. So that I can be used to fulfill the unique purpose that you have designed for me to do. For Your glory.


I’m linking up with with the #GiveMeGrace community over at Lisha’s.


The Written Word

The written word…

Is etched in time, but not limited to a time.

Is a record of the past.  Words are read today, propelling us into tomorrow.

Is history.  A way of tracking where we came from.  And who we came from.

Is encouragement.  Words motivate and inspire. They fill us with hope and keep us going forward especially when we’re running on fumes.

Is discipline.  They convict and convert.  A carefully timed words can help stop harmful behaviours and sin.

Cheers you.  A well-timed card or love note makes the heart flutter better than any energy drink.

Is evidence.  Proof that something did–or did not–occur.

Is also known as ‘God’s love letter’.  Divinely inspired, this book has lasted all throughout history and continues to be well-quoted and studied.

Is powerful.  The old adage of ‘sticks and bones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’ is a lie.  Straight up lie.  Words can be the warmest of hugs.  Delivered wrong, they can make you curl up into the fetal position wishing the ground would just gulp you down.  That’s power.

Is everywhere.  Signs on shop doors, posters around town, fortune cookies, printed in bathroom stalls.  Rap songs.  Text messages.  Foreclosure notices.  Acceptance letters. Labels and names.

Can be hidden.  Private journals, buried notes from a secret admirer, lost mail.

We all write words each day.  Even if you’re the only reader of the words, don’t take it lightly.

Every word counts!

The Written Word


Five Minute Friday: Exhale

The ability to exhale and inhale is a vital sign of life.  Breathing, and the lack thereof, marks either life or death.  I think of when God handcrafted Adam.  By the artistic flair of His fingers, every perfect part of Adam’s physical body was set into place.  But that wasn’t the end.  God didn’t call Adam into life, though that would’ve been very easy for Him to do.  He’d just spent the previous six days calling the world and all its parts into existence, after all. No, God opted to give Adam life by breathing into him.  Adam’s response was to inhale and


If you’ve ever had to fight for your next breath, you realize that it’s not something to be taken lightly.  Panic can quickly drown us, causing us to flail even harder to keep breathing.

In order to take a next breath, you need to let out the previous one.  In order for us to keep progressing in life, we need to let go of old air in order to take in the new.  Free up the lungs of life by keeping our atmospheres clear.  Stop letting sin and negativity contaminate our air. Toxic relationships can also be a hindrance similar to the effects of second hand smoke.

Our lives are too precious to be choked out.  Trust God to be your personal filter.  He has a special purpose for each of us.  We need to keep breathing in order to stay alive for His work to be accomplished in us.

In and out.

FMF exhale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I’m exhaling with this five-minute Friday community today

{Give Me Grace} Thoughts on Purpose

“Your purpose is to be in relationship with God.”–Pastor Seth Yelorda

This line in a sermon about fatherhood jumped out at me because of it’s simplicity.  I tend to substitute my idea of purpose for God’s reality of purpose.  My idea is that purpose is what I’m supposed to ‘do’ with my life. How I’m to make a name for myself…become famous… earn a living.  I get caught up in praying that God will take my passion and transform me into an active person doing cool things for Him.  This gradually becomes my focus and I live each day wondering how I can fine tune my desires to gain God’s blessing.

God does care about my desires and my wants.  What I do with my life matters deeply to HIm.  But life is much more than that.  My ultimate purpose is to be closely connected to God.  To develop and nurture a relationship with Him.  Not for what I can get out of it but because He loves me so profoundly and securely.

GiveMeGrace purpose



Sharing a few unedited thoughts about purpose.  Linking up with Lisha for the first time ever and her #GiveMeGrace community.