Five Minute Friday: World

For God so loved the world...

It seems we tend to live in two worlds.

First, we have our own world. Our little bubbles, surrounded by our family and friends of our choosing. We do our best to control what happens in our world. We choose education levels and career paths; where to live and who to befriend as neighbours. A space we try to keep as a safe haven.

The there is the world. The planet, on a larger scale. Full of people God handcrafted, just like you and me. Yet, we’re all from different parts of the globe. We vary in all hues and speak all sorts of beautiful words in dialects that are like a symphony to the ear.

For God so loved the world.

Yes, He loves me in my world too. He loves me with all my idiosyncrasies and quirks. Even when I’m trying too hard to do my own thing and daring to run independent of Him, He still loves me. And you.

For God so loved the world.

The world.

He loves everyone. E-v-e-r-y-o-n-e. Even with all their idiosyncrasies and quirks. With the customs that are foreign to me and the mannerisms that are so unlike my own. He loves people.

For God so loved the world.

How do I link my world to the world?

Let’s look to Jesus. He was the ultimate in foreigners to this world. He was God, encased in human flesh but with a supernatural intellect. Despite the drastic differences, He simply loves us.

He never looked at anyone as a threat to His own little world. Christ had a broad perspective on the world and was able to love people because of who they are and not what they appear to be.


{I’m linking up with Kate and the five-minute Friday fun. You’re welcome to join in too. The more, the merrier. You’re free to let your words flow freely on this week’s prompt: world. You’re invited to share if you feel comfortable doing so.}

  • Carrie McCoy

    Amen! Your words are so true! I really enjoyed reading this all the way to the end. So often, we live in our bubbles. I love how you asked the question about connecting the two worlds. This was wonderful and I thank you for sharing your words of wisdom.

  • Tara Ulrich

    For God so loved the world indeed. You are so spot on here. God calls us to love each other and the world. I loved this line: “Christ had a broad perspective on the world and was able to love people because of who they are and not what they appear to be.” Visiting from FMF where I’m #8

  • Gayl Wright

    Sabrina, this is a beautiful post! I’m glad I came right after you in the #fmf linkup. I love this: “Christ had a broad perspective on the world and was able to love people because of who they are and not what they appear to be.” Blessings to you and have a great weekend!