Five Minute Friday: Real

It was early in my teenage years when I glimpsed one of the coolest turning points of my life. A group of us young people had just finished an outing, and my Pastor had come to pick up his kids. While he was waiting by the entrance, I saw him drink a can of root beer!

I was amazedly stunned. In that moment, my Pastor instantly became the coolest guy ever. He had great taste in pop and actually drank the stuff. We had something in common.
That made him real.

It’s easy to go around hiding behind false pretenses. We live trying to make the best first impressions because you never know who is watching or what they might be thinking. Like circus performers, we bend over backwards, contorting ourselves here and there to fit into some pre-cut molds that we didn’t design. As a result, we’ve lost a lot of who we are in the process. And in living for ourselves and for others, we’ve also forgotten Whose we are. 

Jesus kept things real.
Jesus’ whole life embodied realism. His life was simple and honest. He didn’t do things to flatter anyone or stress about acceptance. In fact, He even told His disciples to expect rejection and that they were to keep moving when it came. He didn’t overextend himself and then struggle midway through life in crisis of who He really was.
In choosing to live a real life, simple as it may be, Jesus had peace. 
  • Sarah Mueller

    I just found you via Club31. Really enjoy what I have read so far! I look forward to more of your encouraging words, Sabrina! Keeping it real in the cold Midwest:) ~ Sarah

  • Tara Ulrich

    Love that the can of root beer made him real. There is something so holy when we are authentic with ourselves and each other.

  • Amy

    Yes He is real and He calls us to be also. Great words as usual.

  • Phyllis Lipford

    Always love your posts and ease of connectivity with Faith, God’s Word, and God.

  • Helen

    Love your anecdote and where it took you: its all too easy to hold people up on a pedestal (including our ‘ideal’ selves) and that takes its toll after not too long….{A FMF friend}

  • Karrilee Aggett

    Jesus kept things real… He has no need to pretend or to hide. I think we do good to remember that! Great post!

  • Susan

    What a great post, Sabrina! I’m keeping it real as your next door neighbor this morning at Kate’s!

  • Barbie

    I love how you said that by being real, Jesus had peace. I am much less peaceful when I hide my real self. Have a blessed weekend.

  • seasonsofopportunities

    Just what I was thinking! Jesus is real – and HE demonstrated the real way to live.

  • Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Absolutely. And we need to be real in representing Him.

    Some people turn Him into a performing pony that advertises their cultural or social preferences, with little regard to what he actually says.

    But they might do well to remember that even performing ponies have real teeth.

    Here from FMF

  • Katie Reid

    Great reminders about who Jesus was- real, indeed. Stopping by from FMF.:)