Five Minute Friday: Lost

No one could have predicted this would happen.  Stage lights flooded the stage as the band played through the worship set.  It was the last night of music of the week-long event.  The first song went well.  The intro for the second song began.  The worship leader was giving a verbal preamble before the singing started.  As the pianist played along listening intently for the cues, dread crept up.  The worship leader seemed to be giving an intro into the third song.  Except that the entire band was playing the second song.  And then he said the unthinkable…

…Join us as we sing ______________


It was the wrong song, set in a completely different key.  And the only one who was panicking was the pianist.  An avid sight-reader, she cannot play by ear.

Dear God, Oh God, Oh God! was the prayer her heart repeated.  She couldn’t play one chord for an entire song.

Lost in transposition hell.

A small whisper came to her rescue.  The guitarist behind her could sense her panic and began to call out the chords.  C#… A… E… G#…  This musical genius, whom she’d only just met hours earlier, saved her big time!


I wish all my lost moments went as gracefully as this one.  I wish I would only stumble along for a few moments, and regain my confidence when Someone would reach out and direct my steps.  But that’s not always the case.

There are times when I get lost following good directions to the letter.  But if a step is missing, or the count is off, then it’s very easy to veer off the path though no fault of my own.

Then there are the times when I get lost all on my own.  Ignoring sound advice, choosing my own way.  Being cocky and believing that I know better.  Most times I don’t.

In both cases, I’m thankful that God is the best searcher and rescuer out there.  He never gives up on looking for me and finding me.  When I’m willing to follow Him—His ways, His steps, His directions—I  cannot get lost.

Nor be lost.

FMF Lost


Linking up with this five-minute Friday community today.

  • Kelli Moore

    I could totally feel and identify with the panic! So grateful for someone reaching out. So grateful that you are right, no matter how lost we are, He will find us. Thanks so much for sharing. Visiting from FMF.

    • Sabrina

      Thanks for stopping by, Kelli :)

  • Dawn

    He is not only the best rescuer but the most gracious!! I love that we can’t get lost. 😉

    • Sabrina

      Amen, Dawn :)

  • kortney

    “Im thankful that God is the best searcher and rescuer out there”-I love this. He totally is! Thanks for your post!

    • Sabrina

      You’re welcome, Kortney. Thanks for reading :)