I Feel So Accomplished

Earlier today, I was feeling quite frazzled.  My parents & bro are coming over for lunch tomorrow after church and the house was a h-o-t mess.  The kitchen needed tidying up, I had to cook, the floors needed mopping and I had to vaccuum.  (Please note that I have yet to mention the bathroom [dare not even pluralize that right now] or the dusting). 

Anyways, hubby finally came home and we worked on the place a bit.  Jamayia actually helped to clean up her toys (usually she does this just before bed and not early afternoon) and the house is presentable for the grandparents.  Thankfully, they’re not coming to scrutinize my housekeeping, but just to spend time.  Regardless, this is something that I’ve definitely inherited from my mom–when anyone is coming over the place needs to be decent.

Then tonight, I was playing around with a section of my church website.  I read an instruction site, and managed to create a link from one place on the webpage to another place on the same page!  I’m so impressed with myself.  I also created a mini-calendar on the site.  I also started a blog for them too.

Ahhh…now I can sleep peacefully.  At least something got done today!